On 14.05.2012, "Daily Mail" published information on how the most beautiful country in the world was determined. The UK-based website "FirstChoice" asked the holiday-planners to point out the country, which they believe to be the most beautiful country in the world. Surprisingly, the travellers on Twitter and Pinterest have chosen Latvia as the most beautiful country in the world.

Latvia received 36 % of votes, thereby solidly ranking first on the list. Latvia was followed by Mexico and Turkey with 11 % and 5 % of votes, but the next trio of the most beautiful countries includes the United Kingdom, Indonesia, and Italy. The "Daily Mail" article is available here: http://travelchatter.dailymail.co.uk/2012/05/latvia-nominated-as-the-most-beautiful-country-in-the-world.html
Mājas lapa izveidota projekta „Sociālā tūrisma attīstība un idejas ieviešana Latvijā. Latvijas tūrisma informācijas organizāciju asociācija LATTŪRINFO un Vidzemes tūrisma asociācijas kapacitātes stiprināšana" ietvaros